Package 'tailloss'

Title: Estimate the Probability in the Upper Tail of the Aggregate Loss Distribution
Description: Set of tools to estimate the probability in the upper tail of the aggregate loss distribution using different methods: Panjer recursion, Monte Carlo simulations, Markov bound, Cantelli bound, Moment bound, and Chernoff bound.
Authors: Isabella Gollini [aut, cre], Jonathan Rougier [ctb]
Maintainer: Isabella Gollini <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3
Version: 1.0
Built: 2025-02-23 05:16:47 UTC

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Evaluate the Probability in the Upper Tail of the Aggregate Loss Distribution


Evaluate the probability in the upper tail of the aggregate loss distribution using different methods: Panjer recursion, Monte Carlo simulations, Markov bound, Cantelli bound, Moment bound, and Chernoff bound.


The package tailloss contains functions to estimate the exceedance probability curve of the aggregated losses. There are two ‘exact’ approaches: Panjer recursion and Monte Carlo simulations, and four approaches producing upper bounds: the Markov bound, the Cantelli bound, the Moment bound, and the Chernoff bound. The upper bounds are useful and effective when the number of events in the catalogue is large, and there is interest in estimating the exceedance probabilities of exceptionally high losses.


Isabella Gollini <[email protected]>, and Jonathan Rougier.

This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council [Consortium on Risk in the Environment: Diagnostics, Integration, Benchmarking, Learning and Elicitation (CREDIBLE); grant number NE/J017450/1]


Gollini, I., and Rougier, J. C. (2015), "Rapidly bounding the exceedance probabilities of high aggregate losses",



# Compress the table to millions of dollars

USh.m <- compressELT(ELT(UShurricane), digits = -6)
s <- seq(1,40)
EPC <- matrix(NA, length(s), 6)
colnames(EPC) <- c("Panjer", "MonteCarlo", "Markov",
 "Cantelli", "Moment", "Chernoff")
EPC[, 1] <- fPanjer(USh.m, s = s)[, 2]
EPC[, 2] <- fMonteCarlo(USh.m, s = s)[, 2]
EPC[, 3] <- fMarkov(USh.m, s = s)[, 2]
EPC[, 4] <- fCantelli(USh.m, s = s)[, 2]
EPC[, 5] <- fMoment(USh.m, s = s)[, 2]
EPC[, 6] <- fChernoff(USh.m, s = s)[, 2]
matplot(s, EPC, type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = "s", ylim = c(0, 1), lty = 1:6,
  ylab = expression(plain(Pr)(S>=s)), main = "Exceedance Probability Curve")
zoombox(s, EPC, x0 = c(30, 40), y0 = c(0, .1), y1 = c(.3, .6), type = "l",
  lwd = 2, lty = 1:6)
legend("topright", legend = colnames(EPC), lty = 1:6, col = 1:6, lwd = 2)

EPCcap <- matrix(NA, length(s), 6)
colnames(EPCcap) <- c("Panjer", "MonteCarlo", "Markov",
 "Cantelli", "Moment", "Chernoff")
EPCcap[, 1] <- fPanjer(USh.m, s = s, theta = 2, cap = 5)[, 2]
EPCcap[, 2] <- fMonteCarlo(USh.m, s = s, theta = 2, cap = 5)[, 2]
EPCcap[, 3] <- fMarkov(USh.m, s = s, theta = 2, cap = 5)[, 2]
EPCcap[, 4] <- fCantelli(USh.m, s = s, theta = 2, cap = 5)[, 2]
EPCcap[, 5] <- fMoment(USh.m, s = s, theta = 2, cap = 5)[, 2]
EPCcap[, 6] <- fChernoff(USh.m, s = s, theta = 2, cap =  5)[, 2]
matplot(s, EPCcap, type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = "s", ylim = c(0, 1), lty = 1:6,
  ylab = expression(plain(Pr)(S>=s)), main = "Exceedance Probability Curve")
zoombox(s, EPCcap, x0 = c(30, 40), y0 = c(0, .1), y1 = c(.3, .6), type = "l",
  lwd = 2, lty = 1:6)
legend("topright", legend = colnames(EPC), lty = 1:6, col = 1:6, lwd = 2)

Compress the event loss table


Function to merge losses of the same amount adding up their corresponding occurrence rates, and to round the losses to the 10^digits integer value.


compressELT(ELT, digits = 0)



Data frame containing two numeric columns. The column Loss contains the expected losses from each single occurrence of event. The column Rate contains the arrival rates of a single occurrence of event.


Integer. It specifies the rounding of the losses to the 10^digits integer value of the event loss table. digits < 0 decreases the precision of the calculation, but considerably decreases the time to perform it. If digits = 0 it only merges the losses of the same amount adding up their corresponding rates. The default value is digits = 0.


Data frame containg two numeric columns. The column Loss contains the expected losses from each single occurrence of event. The column Rate contains the arrival rates of a single occurrence of event.



# Compress the table to thousands of dollars

USh.k <- compressELT(ELT(UShurricane), digits = -3)

# Compress the table to millions of dollars

USh.m <- compressELT(ELT(UShurricane), digits = -6)

Event Loss Table


Function to create an ELT object


ELT(X = NULL, Rate = NULL, Loss = NULL, ID = NULL)



Data frame containing at least two numeric columns. The column Loss contains the expected losses from each single occurrence of event. The column Rate contains the arrival rates of a single occurrence of event.


Positive numeric vector of arrival rates


Positive numeric vector of losses


Vector event ID.


An object ELT, a data frame with 3 columns. The column ID contains the ID of each event. The column Rate contains the arrival rates of a single occurrence of event. The column Loss contains the expected losses from each single occurrence of event.

See Also



rate <- c(.1, .02, .05)
loss <- c(2, 5, 7)

ELT(Rate = rate, Loss = loss)
# Same as
rl <- data.frame(Rate = rate, Loss = loss)

Cantelli Bound.


Function to bound the total losses via the Cantelli inequality.


fCantelli(ELT, s, t = 1, theta = 0, cap = Inf)



Data frame containing two numeric columns. The column Loss contains the expected losses from each single occurrence of event. The column Rate contains the arrival rates of a single occurrence of event.


Scalar or numeric vector containing the total losses of interest.


Scalar representing the time period of interest. The default value is t = 1.


Scalar containing information about the variance of the Gamma distribution: sd[X]=xsd[X] = x *theta. The default value is theta = 0: the loss associated to an event is considered as a constant.


Scalar representing the level of truncation of the Gamma distribution, i.e. the maximum possible loss caused by a single event. The default value is cap = Inf.


Cantelli's inequality states:

Pr(Ss)σ2σ2+(sμ)2for sμ,\Pr( S \geq s) \leq \frac{\sigma^2}{\sigma^2 + (s - \mu)^2} \quad \mbox{for } s \geq \mu,

where μ=E[S]\mu = E[S] and σ2=Var[S]<\sigma^2 = Var[S] < \infty are the mean and the variance of the distribution of SS.


A numeric matrix, containing the pre-specified losses s in the first column and the upper bound for the exceedance probabilities in the second column.



# Compress the table to millions of dollars

USh.m <- compressELT(ELT(UShurricane), digits = -6)
EPC.Cantelli  <- fCantelli(USh.m, s = 1:40)
plot(EPC.Cantelli, type = "l", ylim = c(0, 1))
# Assuming the losses follow a Gamma with E[X] = x, and Var[X] = 2 * x
EPC.Cantelli.Gamma  <- fCantelli(USh.m, s = 1:40, theta = 2, cap = 25)
plot(EPC.Cantelli.Gamma, type = "l")
# Compare the two results:
plot(EPC.Cantelli, type = "l", main = "Exceedance Probability Curve", ylim = c(0, 1))
lines(EPC.Cantelli.Gamma, col = 2, lty = 2)
legend("topright", c("Dirac Delta", expression(paste("Gamma(",
alpha[i] == 1 / theta^2, ", ", beta[i] ==1 / (x[i] * theta^2), ")", " cap =", 5))),
lwd = 2, lty = 1:2, col = 1:2)

Chernoff Bound.


Function to bound the total losses via the Chernoff inequality.


fChernoff(ELT, s, t = 1, theta = 0, cap = Inf, nk = 1001,
  verbose = FALSE)



Data frame containing two numeric columns. The column Loss contains the expected losses from each single occurrence of event. The column Rate contains the arrival rates of a single occurrence of event.


Scalar or numeric vector containing the total losses of interest.


Scalar representing the time period of interest. The default value is t = 1.


Scalar containing information about the variance of the Gamma distribution: sd[X]=xsd[X] = x *theta. The default value is theta = 0: the loss associated to an event is considered as a constant.


Scalar representing the financial cap on losses for a single event, i.e. the maximum possible loss caused by a single event. The default value is cap = Inf.


Number of optimisation points.


Logical. If TRUE attaches the minimising index. The default is verbose = FALSE.


Chernoff's inequality states:

Pr(Ss)infk>0eksMS(k)\Pr(S \geq s) \leq \inf_{k > 0} e^{-k s} M_S(k)

where MS(k)M_S(k) is the Moment Generating Function (MGF) of the total loss S. The fChernoff function optimises the bound over a fixed set of nk discrete values.


A numeric matrix, containing the pre-specified losses s in the first column and the upper bound for the exceedance probabilities in the second column.



# Compress the table to millions of dollars

USh.m <- compressELT(ELT(UShurricane), digits = -6)
EPC.Chernoff <- fChernoff(USh.m, s = 1:40)
plot(EPC.Chernoff, type = "l", ylim = c(0, 1))
# Assuming the losses follow a Gamma with E[X] = x, and Var[X] = 2 * x
EPC.Chernoff.Gamma <- fChernoff(USh.m, s = 1:40, theta = 2, cap = 5)
plot(EPC.Chernoff.Gamma, type = "l", ylim = c(0, 1))
# Compare the two results:
plot(EPC.Chernoff, type = "l", main = "Exceedance Probability Curve", ylim = c(0, 1))
lines(EPC.Chernoff.Gamma, col = 2, lty = 2)
legend("topright", c("Dirac Delta", expression(paste("Gamma(",
alpha[i] == 1 / theta^2, ", ", beta[i] ==1 / (x[i] * theta^2), ")", " cap =", 5))),
lwd = 2, lty = 1:2, col = 1:2)

Markov Bound.


Function to bound the total losses via the Markov inequality.


fMarkov(ELT, s, t = 1, theta = 0, cap = Inf)



Data frame containing two numeric columns. The column Loss contains the expected losses from each single occurrence of event. The column Rate contains the arrival rates of a single occurrence of event.


Scalar or numeric vector containing the total losses of interest.


Scalar representing the time period of interest. The default value is t = 1.


Scalar containing information about the variance of the Gamma distribution: sd[X]=xsd[X] = x *theta. The default value is theta = 0: the loss associated to an event is considered as a constant.


Scalar representing the financial cap on losses for a single event, i.e. the maximum possible loss caused by a single event. The default value is cap = Inf.


Cantelli's inequality states:

Pr(Ss)E[S]s\Pr( S \geq s) \leq \frac{E[S]}{s}


A numeric matrix, containing the pre-specified losses s in the first column and the upper bound for the exceedance probabilities in the second column.



# Compress the table to millions of dollars

USh.m <- compressELT(ELT(UShurricane), digits = -6)
EPC.Markov <- fMarkov(USh.m, s = 1:40)
plot(EPC.Markov, type = "l", ylim = c(0, 1))
# Assuming the losses follow a Gamma with E[X] = x, and Var[X] = 2 * x
EPC.Markov.Gamma <- fMarkov(USh.m, s = 1:40, theta = 2, cap = 5)
plot(EPC.Markov.Gamma, type = "l", ylim = c(0, 1))
# Compare the two results:
plot(EPC.Markov, type = "l", main = "Exceedance Probability Curve", ylim = c(0,1))
lines(EPC.Markov.Gamma, col = 2, lty = 2)
legend("topright", c("Dirac Delta", expression(paste("Gamma(",
alpha[i] == 1 / theta^2, ", ", beta[i] ==1 / (x[i] * theta^2), ")", " cap =", 5))),
lwd = 2, lty = 1:2, col = 1:2)

Moment Bound.


Function to bound the total losses via the Moment inequality.


fMoment(ELT, s, t = 1, theta = 0, cap = Inf, verbose = FALSE)



Data frame containing two numeric columns. The column Loss contains the expected losses from each single occurrence of event. The column Rate contains the arrival rates of a single occurrence of event.


Scalar or numeric vector containing the total losses of interest.


Scalar representing the time period of interest. The default value is t = 1.


Scalar containing information about the variance of the Gamma distribution: sd[X]=xsd[X] = x *theta. The default value is theta = 0: the loss associated to an event is considered as a constant.


Scalar representing the financial cap on losses for a single event, i.e. the maximum possible loss caused by a single event. The default value is cap = Inf.


Logical. If TRUE attaches the minimising index. The default is verbose = FALSE.


Moment inequality states:

Pr(Ss)mink=1,2E(Sk)sk\Pr(S \geq s) \leq \min_{k = 1, 2 \dots} \frac{E(S^k)}{s^k}

where E(Sk)E(S^k) is the kk-th moment of the total loss SS distribution.


A numeric matrix, containing the pre-specified losses s in the first column and the upper bound for the exceedance probabilities in the second column.



# Compress the table to millions of dollars

USh.m <- compressELT(ELT(UShurricane), digits = -6)
EPC.Moment <- fMoment(USh.m, s = 1:40)
plot(EPC.Moment, type = "l", ylim = c(0, 1))
# Assuming the losses follow a Gamma with E[X] = x, and Var[X] = 2 * x
EPC.Moment.Gamma <- fMoment(USh.m, s = 1:40, theta = 2, cap = 5)
plot(EPC.Moment.Gamma, type = "l", ylim = c(0, 1))
# Compare the two results:
plot(EPC.Moment, type = "l", main = "Exceedance Probability Curve", ylim = c(0, 1))
lines(EPC.Moment.Gamma, col = 2, lty = 2)
legend("topright", c("Dirac Delta", expression(paste("Gamma(",
alpha[i] == 1 / theta^2, ", ", beta[i] ==1 / (x[i] * theta^2), ")", " cap =", 5))),
lwd = 2, lty = 1:2, col = 1:2)

Monte Carlo Simulations.


Function to estimate the total losses via the Monte Carlo simulations.


fMonteCarlo(ELT, s, t = 1, theta = 0, cap = Inf, nsim = 10000,
  verbose = FALSE)



Data frame containing two numeric columns. The column Loss contains the expected losses from each single occurrence of event. The column Rate contains the arrival rates of a single occurrence of event.


Scalar or numeric vector containing the total losses of interest.


Scalar representing the time period of interest. The default value is t = 1.


Scalar containing information about the variance of the Gamma distribution: sd[X]=xsd[X] = x *theta. The default value is theta = 0: the loss associated to an event is considered as a constant.


Scalar representing the financial cap on losses for a single event, i.e. the maximum possible loss caused by a single event. The default value is cap = Inf.


Integer representing the number of Monte Carlo simulations. The default value is nsim = 10e3.


Logical, if TRUE returns 95% CB and raw sample. The default is verbose = FALSE.


If verbose = FALSE the function returns a numeric matrix, containing in the first column the pre-specified losses s, and the estimated exceedance probabilities in the second column. If verbose = TRUE the function returns a numeric matrix containing four columns. The first column contains the losses s, the second column contains the estimated exceedance probabilities, the other columns contain the 95% confidence bands. The attributes of this matrix are a vector simS containing the simulated losses.



# Compress the table to millions of dollars

USh.m <- compressELT(ELT(UShurricane), digits = -6)
EPC.MonteCarlo <- fMonteCarlo(USh.m, s = 1:40, verbose = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(EPC.MonteCarlo[, 1:2], type = "l", ylim = c(0, 1))
matlines(EPC.MonteCarlo[, -2], ylim = c(0, 1), lty = 2, col = 1)
# Assuming the losses follow a Gamma with E[X] = x, and Var[X] = 2 * x and cap = 5m
EPC.MonteCarlo.Gamma <- fMonteCarlo(USh.m, s = 1:40, theta = 2, cap = 5, verbose = TRUE)
plot(EPC.MonteCarlo.Gamma[, 1:2], type = "l", ylim = c(0, 1))
matlines(EPC.MonteCarlo.Gamma[, -2], ylim = c(0,1), lty = 2, col = 1)
# Compare the two results:
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
plot(EPC.MonteCarlo[, 1:2], type = "l", main = "Exceedance Probability Curve",
ylim = c(0, 1))
lines(EPC.MonteCarlo.Gamma[, 1:2], col = 2, lty = 2)
legend("topright", c("Dirac Delta", expression(paste("Gamma(",
alpha[i] == 1 / theta^2, ", ", beta[i] ==1 / (x[i] * theta^2), ")", " cap =", 5))),
lwd = 2, lty = 1:2, col = 1:2)

Panjer Recursion.


Function to calculate the total losses via the Panjer recursion.


fPanjer(ELT, s, t = 1, theta = 0, cap = Inf, nq = 10, verbose = FALSE)



Data frame containing two numeric columns. The column Loss contains the expected losses from each single occurrence of event. The column Rate contains the arrival rates of a single occurrence of event.


Scalar or numeric vector containing the total losses of interest.


Scalar representing the time period of interest. The default value is t = 1.


Scalar containing information about the variance of the Gamma distribution: sd[X]=xsd[X] = x *theta. The default value is theta = 0: the loss associated to an event is considered as a constant.


Scalar representing the financial cap on losses for a single event, i.e. the maximum possible loss caused by a single event. The default value is cap = Inf.


Scalar, number of quantiles added when theta > 0


A logical, if TRUE gives the entire distribution up to the maximum value of s. If FALSE gives only the results for the specified values of s. The default is verbose = FALSE.


A numeric matrix containing the pre-specified losses s in the first column and the exceedance probabilities in the second column.


Panjer, H.H. (1980), ‘The aggregate claims distribution and stop-loss reinsurance,’ Transactions of the Society of Actuaries, 32, 523-545.



# Compress the table to millions of dollars

USh.m <- compressELT(ELT(UShurricane), digits = -6)

EPC.Panjer <- fPanjer(USh.m, s = 1:40, verbose = TRUE)
plot(EPC.Panjer, type = "l", ylim = c(0,1))
# Assuming the losses follow a Gamma with E[X] = x, and Var[X] = 2 * x and cap = 5m

EPC.Panjer.Gamma <- fPanjer(USh.m, s = 1:40, theta = 2, cap = 5, verbose = TRUE)
plot(EPC.Panjer.Gamma, type = "l", ylim = c(0,1))

# Compare the two results:

plot(EPC.Panjer, type = "l", main = 'Exceedance Probability Curve',
ylim = c(0, 1))
lines(EPC.Panjer.Gamma, col = 2, lty = 2)
legend("topright", c("Dirac Delta", expression(paste("Gamma(",
alpha[i] == 1 / theta^2, ", ", beta[i] ==1 / (x[i] * theta^2), ")", " cap =", 5))),
lwd = 2, lty = 1:2, col = 1:2)

Summary statistics for class ELT.


Summary statistics for class ELT.


## S3 method for class 'ELT'
summary(object, theta = 0, cap = Inf, t = 1, ...)



An object of class ELT. Data frame containing two numeric columns. The column Loss contains the expected losses from each single occurrence of event. The column Rate contains the arrival rates of a single occurrence of event.


Scalar containing information about the variance of the Gamma distribution: sd[X]=xsd[X] = x *theta. The default value is theta = 0: the loss associated to an event is considered as a constant.


Scalar representing the financial cap on losses for a single event, i.e. the maximum possible loss caused by a single event. The default value is cap = Inf.


Scalar representing the time period of interest. The default value is t = 1.


additional arguments affecting the summary produced.


A list containing the data summary, and the means and the standard deviations of NN, YY, and SS.



US hurricane data


US hurricane data provided by Peter Taylor and Dickie Whitaker.


Data frame with 32060 rows and 3 columns


  • EventID. ID of 32060 events.

  • Rate. Annual rate of occurrence.

  • Loss. Loss associated to each event measured in $.

Function for zooming onto a matplot(x, y, ...).


Function for zooming onto a matplot(x, y, ...).


zoombox(x, y, x0, y0 = c(0, 0.05), y1 = c(0.1, 0.6), ...)


x, y

Vectors or matrices of data for plotting. The number of rows should match. If one of them are missing, the other is taken as y and an x vector of 1:n is used. Missing values (NAs) are allowed.


range of x to zoom on.


range of y to zoom on. The default value is y0 = c(0,0.05)


range of y where to put the zoomed area. The default value is y1 = c(0.1,0.6)


Arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical parameters (see par).

See Also

matplot, plot



# Compress the table to millions of dollars

USh.m <- compressELT(ELT(UShurricane), digits = -6)
s <- seq(1,40)
EPC <- matrix(NA, length(s), 6)
colnames(EPC) <- c("Panjer", "MonteCarlo", "Markov",
 "Cantelli", "Moment", "Chernoff")
EPC[, 1] <- fPanjer(USh.m, s = s)[, 2]
EPC[, 2] <- fMonteCarlo(USh.m, s = s)[, 2]
EPC[, 3] <- fMarkov(USh.m, s = s)[, 2]
EPC[, 4] <- fCantelli(USh.m, s = s)[, 2]
EPC[, 5] <- fMoment(USh.m, s = s)[, 2]
EPC[, 6] <- fChernoff(USh.m, s = s)[, 2]
matplot(s, EPC, type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = "s", ylim = c(0, 1), lty = 1:6,
  ylab = expression(plain(Pr)(S>=s)), main = "Exceedance Probability Curve")
zoombox(s, EPC, x0 = c(30, 40), y0 = c(0, .1), y1 = c(.3, .6), type = "l", lwd = 2, lty = 1:6)
legend("topright", legend = colnames(EPC), lty = 1:6, col = 1:6, lwd = 2)